Friday, February 18, 2011

1. I can't get work done unless I feel I'm in imminent danger
2. And therein lies the whole truth of college.
3. I've joined twitter because I love comedians and hash-tags that let me contribute to awesome lists, and also so I can make a stupid thought the basis of a whole new list.

4. Like for instance my first and so far only, 3 tweets have been #feminist films, in response to Moshe Kasher and they are:
Sirens of Titan
The Princess and the IUD
Mrs and Mr Smith

And as you can tell I'm pretty pleased with myself.

Monday, February 7, 2011


Last week

Had the perfect, most utterly flirtatious meetcute with a handsome man who found a book for me after the hapless store employee gave up on me. But he didn't ask my name, and when I left we were still strangers.

During a meal with a friend, was accosted by the boy sitting a foot away from me, who handed me his phone, all ready for me to give him my digits. And my name. I was so utterly shocked and appalled. I don't have the social graces to remove myself from these situations. I left screaming.

During the same meal with a friend, I finally found out the name of the cute waiter that I've been exchanging glances with for a year and a half. It's too perfect and fits so utterly into my life. He put his hand on my shoulder and we joked around, when we used to just shyly glance at each other from across the room. Names mean progress.