Friday, August 6, 2010

I'm doing a colon cleanse and purchased over a hundred lemons (with my sister, Paulina, who's also doing it) for the week.
So far, so very very good! I feel grand and have a surprising abundance of energy. It's also surprising just how mentally freeing it is to not have to have your schedule and your physical and emotional moods depend so heavily on what you decide to put into your body. I discovered that I spent SO MUCH TIME thinking about what to eat, about whether I made a right choice in what I ate- it was just like an ongoing list, getting longer and longer over time:
"oh, I had X for breakfast, which means I shouldn't necessarily have Y for lunch, but I did have Z for dinner yesterday, so maybe that will alter what I should have for lunch as well..."
it's insane! My yoga practice is stronger, my body feels lighter and looser and more controlled, I have saved so much time in preparation for meals, and I now am allowed to lick maple syrup--one of my favorite of favorites--off of spoons on a fairly regular basis.

Paulina and I were planning on only doing ten days, but we're more than half done and I really want to do 30 or 40... the thing that's making me not want to extend it that long--the ONLY thing hampering this--is the idea that I won't be able to cook for people and eat things that people cook for me (viz. MY BOYFRAN IS A MASTER THAI CHEF, DID U EVEN KNO??) and the idea of having a romantic, candle-lit, sittin' on the rug all cozy and eye-gazey evening while sipping on lemon cayenne maple water is... not so romantic at all. And I have to do these romantic meal evenings NOW because once school starts, it'll be back to my usual oatmeal, quinoa, and broccoli nonstop every day.

But to end this on a positive note- I think this will become a fairly regular part of my life now! It's really wonderful.


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