Saturday, January 8, 2011

Every time I make my mind to get off my ass and go grocery shopping, I start by compiling a mental list of all the things I need to buy. That always leads to realizing that I need to buy something somewhere else, at another grocery store. This makes me extremely anxious, the thought of having to go to a grocery store in the opposite direction of the first grocery store.
And then I think, oh my god, it never stops. Is it even worth it? Is my whole life going to be a series of trips to opposite direction grocery stores?
And then I'm like, what the fuck, Karen. Each of these places is seriously less than five minutes of walking distance from your apartment. Get the fuck up.
And then I do. But I'll still only go to one of the stores, and decide that I can go to the other one....later....tomorrow.

I was home for a few days around Christmastime, and I spent most of it refusing to get off the couch, and my little sister trying really hard (often physically) to get me up. And I'd look at her and whimper, "GO TO PLACE????" And she'd roll her eyes and resume watching iCarly with me.
Anyway, while I was home, I passed my couchsitting, iCarly-watching time, by eating and cooking for us while the snowpocalypse was happening. Feeling gluttonous, I asked her if my face was fat and she said "you know that you are your own worst enemy, right?" What the f, little sister. When did you learn to call me out?

In any case, she was right. I'm awful to myself. But! thanks to my my own neuroses, I've recently managed to get myself hired as a paid writer for a news/entertainment/catch-all website. Yay me.

PS, I recently saw Lauryn Hill for her performance at the Bowery Ballroom, and she was everything that I ever wanted her to be. And in her immortal words, Don't be a hard rock, when you really are a gem.


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