Monday, September 27, 2010

I got into work at 9am, the first person (besides one of my supervisors) to show up. I have two supervisors and one big bad boss-man (who is, in fact, the biggest asshole I've ever met in my whole life). Just me and the supervisor who I've got the serious hots for. :) :)
Then everyone showed up; painting, heavy lifting, vacuuming, and dumpster-runs ensued; and I left there at 1pm, covered in dirt and paint and dust to go to my legit cubicle job where the office ladies were talking about bridal showers and "ughhh, Monday!" What a strange transition.

I want to do terrible, naughty things to my supervisor. His name is Anthony, he's big and strong but just a little bit soft around the middle (HE'S A MAN AND DRINKS BEER, DEAL WITH IT), and his ipod plays the type of rock n' roll-y blues you can dance to (and he sings to) and insane dubstep. He calls me "sweetie" and "honey" and "beautiful" and "darlin'" and, even though I am sure he would do it to all the girls, if there were more girls, it makes the 1950s virgin preteen in me swoon like nothing else. His smile makes me melt, his manly body (and manly occupation- this bro needs to wear a tool belt because it is REQUIRED- mMMmm!) drives me nuts, and I can't wait until the end of the year so that I can tell him "hey, you, I've wanted you for months." and then scamper off to Nepal, either after a nice romp on the shop floor, or after some kind smiles and pity with an "oh, you're a sweet girl, but no way" type of response from him.

I found him on facebook and his profile picture is of him in a mechanic's jumpsuit; beer, red wine, and a bag of barbecue chips on the picnic table in front of him; and my legs wrapped around his neck.
And my panties on his head. And my hands ripping off said jumpsuit. And his strong body forcing me down on the picnic table, his big arms sweeping off all of its contents, and his glorious cock emerging to show me just how a real man can make a girl feel like a woman.
His profile picture is more like an animated GIF, really.

I made the last parts up.


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