Sunday, September 26, 2010

I soak my oats overnight (as in, as soon as I'm done eating my oatmeal in the morning, I fill up the bowl with water, oats, and a little splash of apple cider vinegar) because it's supposedly good to remove "free radicals" and make the nutrients of the oats more easily digestible/integratable/etc.
And so I've soaked them for up to three days before, because sometimes I don't want oats and then I just think "oh, extra soaking = extra healthy = rad."
And so Friday morning I set up my oats, left for the great wilderness, and then came back to a pile of oats which smelled more distinctly like vomit than lots of vomit does. I sniffed it last night and thought "Oooooo-eee! that's fermenting. Great!" And this morning while rinsing them I was gagging because the smell was so overpowering (just with the old water going in the sink- I was so self-conscious someone would walk in and think that it was me/my cooking that smelled like that). But I heated them up (still smelled bad), added so much cinnamon (still smelled bad), added soymilk (smelled less bad), and somehow they ended up tasting like they always do (= good). I still can't get over the smell, though.

Also, I think I am going to start running again, if only because of how much I love smoothies after runs. Also, because I want to be able to eat Clif bars again without that "you are not so active that you need concentrated nutrition, Camille" guilt. I ran really regularly before college, I ran semi-regularly during my first 3 semesters of college, but since my break-up in December, I have only run thrice. I remember it really used to clear my head.
And I had redick leg muscles.


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