Saturday, December 4, 2010

Firstly, my camera is broken. Or at least it's being overly-temperamental. The flash is 100% broken, but the camera itself sometimes--but not usually--takes pictures. This is a bummer but also perhaps a blessing, since I would definitely prefer it die now rather than when I'm in Nepal or New Zealand.
I'll be genuinely distressed if I don't have my camera when LOTR shit like this happens, I can promise you that.

Speaking of which! NUMBER TWO: tickets to Nepal are purchased; rabies, typhoid, hep A, tdap, polio, flu, and Japanese encephalitis vaccines have been administered (and paid for- JESUS CHRIST. The vaccinations were more expensive than the airfare!); and getting a visa is in the works. I am on my way and boy oh boy this is exciting.
I have a story about my booking the flight over the phone with a disarmingly flirty Nepalese man but I cannot tell it now because I have some business to attend to. Namely:
Third! Camille, what did you do on this fine day?
Oh, you stayed in bed, licked spoonfuls of maple syrup, and watched episodes of No Reservations and New Scandinavian Cooking all day? And although you put on pants and a shirt whenever you went to the bathroom or kitchen it was only an act, and you were nudie and in bed again before the bedroom door even had time to close? Hm, that sounds... exciting...?

I can't wait to do it again.
And I'm actually going to hop to it right now.

Tina is legit my girlfriend

and Andreas is my brother.
This is my life and I refuse to believe otherwise.

WEIRD NOTE, though: I cannot eat a single thing featured on a single episode of No Reservations. Of this I am confident.
I have more luck with New Scandinavian Cooking but, still, it's quite fish-centric. This is where the weird note comes in.
I am on my 5th day of a cleanse and although I have been a bit hungrier this time around, I have had zero headaches, have not been terribly tired, and overall I feel completely normal. Except I cannot stop craving fish.
I haven't eaten fish in at least 7 years and I have not missed it once. Except now all I can think about is gravlax and all I want is gravlax and I am really confused by this and hope it passes before my cleanse is over. I won't eat fish after the cleanse--I would never buy it and certainly would not cook it for myself--but I am afraid that I will still desire it.
I have said before that the only things I have ever remotely missed in the non-vegan world are cottage cheese and scallops (I know, I know- probably two of the least tantalizing animal products out there. Scallops for the strong and comforting memories I have attached to them and cottage cheese for it's killer nutrition), but I've never jonesed for them hard like I'm jonesing for this.

Finally: I am listening to an episode of Fitzdog Radio with David Koechner. I think David Koechner is fucking hilarious and that is why I originally downloaded this. While it is great at times, Greg Fitzsimmons is a little too offensive for me. I've never been a feminist and it is very infrequent that I'll be really offended by racism or sexism (turned off, definitely, but rarely repulsed), but I am not enjoying what he says about women and sex and... he's unpleasant and SUPER ARROGANT.
OR SO IT WOULD SEEM by his conversation with Koechner about the size of his own penis.



  1. I check this blog at least 3 times a day and I am never disappointed (except when there isn't a new one).

  2. But really, fish is gross, you only want it because it is exotic (you don't remember at all what it actually tastes like), but when I was on the cleanse I remember wanting spaghetti with clam sauce. Haha
    Post a new post, I want to read more!

  3. You're probably right, Paulina. All I know is, Saturday afternoon I was looking up places in NYC to get the best cured salmon, yesterday I was closing my eyes and daydreaming about it too often (even for a major-league fatty like me), and I woke up this morning and immediately Googled around to find as many pictures/blog postings about it as possible. I know that if you were to put it in front of me I'd probably sniff and then recoil with disgust, but I don't have anyone forcing me to face reality... so I'll keep dreamin.
