Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Something interesting.
Well, one thing interesting following two less-interesting things.

1. I stopped dreaming about salmon about a day and a half after writing my cured salmon-ccentric post. And thank goodness for that- I was in a real moral quandary. I am a vegan for ethical reasons, plain and simple. I am not vegan because it gets me attention, because it's good for my health (questionable, when you bake and CONSUME as much as I do), or because I want to be different/fit in. It was really hard for me to forgive myself for my craving flesh and I am glad that little phase is over. Now what I can't stop craving is...

2. CABBAGE is so delicious. In the weeks before I started my cleanse I realized just how perfect we were for each other. It is easy to cook, it tastes deliciousssss no matter how long or with what ingredients you cook it, it's unbelievably filling, it is CHEAP CHEAP chirp chirp, and I am able to digest it really well. I cook it with onion and garlic and apple cider vinegar and Braggs (and sometimes a little maple syrup and/or a little mustard) and it's amazing to eat all the livelong day.

3. I am probably completely, 100% wrong about this but, from all the facebook evidence I can gather, it would seem that the love of my life partner of my soul creamy dreamy could never do better than him still hurting my little delicate flower of a heart man who left me 359 days ago for his current wife is... getting divorced from his current wife?
I am not sure if I am right about this, but if I am, hm.

I am not filled with optimism and hope or anger or sadness or any sort of bitter happiness. All I can remark on is how utterly and completely disconnected I feel from all of it.
If it is true then it's a real shame. I remember part of what helped me not feel like the largest and weepiest pile of dirty tampons in the world was finding solace in the fact that at least he was happy with her. And I remember thinking, and perhaps repeating to myself and others in a slightly aggressive tone, that if he was going to leave me for anyone, it better be the one he spends the rest of his life with.
But, as I said, I am not sure about any of this. It's just facebook clues and as we all know, just as I cannot follow movie plots, conversations, or instructions, it's very very probable that my Sherlock Holmesing in this case has led me astray.


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