Thursday, April 29, 2010

FIRST OFF, I just ate the most fantastic grapefruit of my life. I bought 6 today (because they were on sale! Hooray!) and I am contemplating going back tomorrow and getting 6 more. This is probably a bad idea because:
I will only eat one a day, max.
I don't know how long the sale is going on: it might be going on for another day, or another 5 days.
This might leave me stuck with 11 rotting grapefruits and lots of tears.
But I feel like I've really got to hoard these babies, they are so amazing.

SECOND, it makes me sad how bad I am with words. There are things that I want to tell people that are so emotionally-packed that, when I visualize the words in my head, I see me delivering to them this bloody, dripping, huge heart on a plate with this dense, violet, foggy aura swirling around it. That's how I want it to be delivered.
But usually, it's me understating things, them saying thank you and smiling, and me walking away KNOWING that I won't have another chance to do it, and that they don't get it.
Today I had one of those conversations. Puh.

THIRD, last night I walked towards my door, where I keep my shoes, and I was disgusted to see this:


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