Saturday, April 10, 2010

What are your feelings on Always Sunny in general? Tyler and I hate the show, and we seem to be the only two people in the world who cannot appreciate it.
On a happier note, though I don't know if I would ever teach a cooking class, because I really only like to cook with one other human in the kitchen, if I did, I'd play this song, also featured on a warm and insightful movie from our childhood, Matilda. I'm sure you know it immediately. I'd just like to say that until I got to college and it occured to me one day in my dorm room that I could find the song on the internet, I had NO IDEA what they were saying in the song.

I haven't convinced myself to buy a new camera yet, and using my phone camera outside has been mostly lackluster, so for the most part I think the visual part of my blogging will consist of things I cook, which probably won't change that much even after I get a real camera.
Today I was craving sweet potatoes, the ones that are white, not orange inside (would that be a yam? I've tried to do research but my my results have been inconclusive.) Anyway, in the past I've never had to buy them myself, but my mom cooks both in the same way and I didn't want to buy the wrong ones, so I called her and asked how to distinguish the two from the outside. "Poke them with your nail and look at the inside." Otherwise, according to my mom, the white ones have a deeper hue for the skin that's "very red."
Luckily for the sweet potatos, when I got to the grocery store, they were right there in front of me, complete with a picture of the inside. They don't look like much but they are SO TASTY

We either wrap them in tin foil and steam them, or cut them into chunks and cook them with rice. The older I get, the more I really love traditional foods that I took for granted when I was little. I would've taken a picture of the finished product but I got distracted by... eating it.

Then when Cyndy got home, we sauteed mushrooms with scallions
and then added the roast duck that I bought this afternoon.

so so so so so so good.


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