Tuesday, April 13, 2010

That is my heaven bed. As in, it's my bed and it's heavenly.

I just remembered.
Last night I had such a violent dream that simply thinking about it is making my blood pressure rise. I'm feeling increasingly irritated as I write this.
In my dream I was screaming at my roommate. It was a verbal brawl, but for all of the energy I was putting into my wracking howls, it was essentially physical as well. All I can remember saying was "What are you?! Who do you think you are?!" and it was like one of those dreams where you're punching something with all of your might but your arm just flops against their body weakly- where you're putting all of your effort, all of your energy, and all of your life force into something (in this case a scream), but it amounts in nothing (because her face didn't melt off, nor did my words cause her to drop dead on the spot).

The point of this is: I wake up sometimes with my face wet from tears when I have a super emotionally-charged dream. It's hard for me to believe that last night I wasn't actually screaming. I know I wasn't, but it's just... impossible for me to comprehend that my internal self was exploding while my external remained cool as a corpse-ish concombre.


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